13 juil. 2020

Triathlon and the New World with Coronavirus

After coronavirus life is not the same and perhaps never will be.  Not everybody take what is happening seriously but real triathletes are a different breed; they are more serious in recovery and training and today’s world is not the same.  We come back to what Malcolm Gladwell said in 2018.  The need to think analogically instead of digitally.  He said, doctors thought about a puzzle to solve when seeing patients in the past; today, with information from many fronts, he/she needs to see the patient as a mystery.  After failures of the governments, institutions and the WHO, we need to find our way out of this pandemia.  A criminal act was committed when they denied the coronavirus transmission through aerosol; advertising very primitively not needing to wear a mask. Our only rational choice is to face the pandemia without denying the threat of the virus and understanding that we are alone in a small team, if we have it.  Since April we wrote about it:
21 avr. 2020

We started learning since the beginning of the pandemic about the virus, to face the situation.  We have learned the following:
1)   The virus is transmitted via aerosol in addition to saliva drops.  Why?  We have the story about the chorus rehearsing and apparently keeping the distance between two people.  They said: “No one sneezed or coughed.”  One-day rehearsal, 60 people practicing, 45 sick, two deaths.
    This is more anecdotal, if you wish, but we have other sources of information.

We have the studies mentioned in the New England Journal of Medicine:

Malcolm does not know that what he is seeing what said long time ago: “Plato believed the world was to be discovered and Aristotle supposed that we were creating the world.” How we approach the world has different consequences and the coronavirus confront us with our obsolete thinking.

Following this way of thinking we can approach triathlon taking what Malcolm rediscover.  The story of David vs Goliath.  This is something we speak with our athletes.  If we are able to see the difference between people, “who is who,” we do not have problems with life.  Revisiting History the way Malcolm is doing it is needed right now for humanity.

The coronavirus as well as Goliath is something to be study as a mystery; our rivals are similar.  We have to find out how much is advertisement and how much is reality; Goliath was created to scare people not to fight.  It was like seeing Anthony Joshua fighting Andy Ruiz in the first fight.  That is how we created the first triathlon junior world champion (2018).