¿What is happening with Football? This is quite different. The solution is not for athletes or footballers in this case, it is for the clubs and owners. Clubs take as a leverage the corruption in the international organizations. We are familiar with the corruption in Concacaf, UEFA, FIFA, etc. This corruption of the ones in power is a problem that Noam Chomsky voiced since Vietnam War, but he falls short when talking about the corruption in the organizations like United Nations and WHO that came after their creation, perhaps because the movements to destroy such organizations is very strong and we need them; and more importantly, we need them to be useful. We got to know how corrupted the WHO is because of the coronavirus pandemic (please see the articles written about coronavirus in this blog). The WHO is full of “amigos” that has very little to do with science and advising people using science. The football clubs use the same pretext for forming the Superleague as Trump used to stay out of WHO: "Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the World Health Organization to mislead the world when the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities," Trump said. "Countless lives have been taken and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe."
The problem would come in triathlon if Arena Triathlon wants to be an Olympic sport.