6 févr. 2012


I believe in the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein and above all, the concepts behind such theory: “The only justification of our concepts and systems resides in the fact that they are helpful to represent our experiences; nothing else justified those (El significado de la relatividad 52).”  Our traveling to Veracruz has no justification and does not mean anything to our athletes or their training.

The Mexican Triathlon Federation says that our athletes need to be tested running 3k, 5k for the sub-23 and elites, and 1k for the juniors to be considered for the Mexican Team.  As you can see, “the right to compete does not exist;” meaning that they are not allowed to represent the Mexican Team in international competitions because they do not meet the 1k, 3k or 5k requirement respectively.  Regardless if they win the triathlon competition that gives spots for the international event as it happened last year, when two of our juniors won the first and second place in the event where FMTRI gave spots to represent Mexico in the Panamerican Championship. The President of the Mexican Federation claims that the other competitors gave them a chance because they knew that our athletes did not meet the times on the “checking.”  So, we were convinced to assist this time. 
It is a waste of time and resources to fulfill a research protocol done without ethical committee as a gate keeper.  They do not consider when even the results of such protocol point to the lack of correlation between the ones that meet the supposedly Federation Standards and the winners in events.  This is a discriminatory protocol for athletes who practice triathlon, giving preference to the ones that train running and swimming individually.  Our junior athlete made the cut swimming 400 meters and running the 1k; but the sub-23, 19 year old triathletes, did not make the 18:00 minutes cut for the 1,500 meters  swimming for 24 seconds (50-meters pool).  Obviously, they are not training for the testing, but to compete in triathlon in a long term progression.  Like one of the athletes who has represented Mexico as a junior in the Worlds mentioned in his Facebook: “We past the testing, it is time to train triathlon.” Five months are wasted.

But let’s continue with Einstein.  The more information I give you, the better it is for you to understand me:  “Before the Theory of Relativity, Physics had the concept that time was absolute; that is, independent of the moving object taken as a reference.  But this definition is incompatible with the concept of simultaneity (22).” In a few words and applying it to our daily life, “what you see is not the same thing that I see.”  Something discuss in this blog before (The Genetic Factor).  This is essential for us to understand, and unfortunately this makes the difference between success and failure to succeed doing a task.  The comprehension of our reality makes the difference.  The better chances to succeed doing a task depend on the errors we have in our reasoning.  It is not that one way of comprehending is correct and the other wrong because both of them can be improved.  THE FACT IS THAT ONE HAS MORE CHANCES TO SUCCEED TO DO A TASK, THE ONE WITH LESS REASONING ERRORS; ON THE OTHER HAND, WE HAVE TO WATCH FOR HUMAN RIGHTS. Experience and reasoning make the difference.  But keep in mind that most of us know the answer to succeed, but our stubbornness is stronger than our reasoning; and sometimes, the quick gratification is the queen that governs our mind.

2 commentaires:

  1. I think it is very interesting to read how Australia understand Minimum Standards. Triathlon IS DEFINITIVALLY NOT MESURED by MINIMUM STANDARDS and by NO WAY SHOULD BE substitute’s performances in specific triathlon events.

    You can read the all information in http://www.triathlon.org.au/Assets/Triathlon+Australia+Digital+Assets/Resources/High+Performance/2012+National+Performance+Standards+Information.pdf

    Here are some important points:

    ``Minimum benchmarks have been replaced with ‘Qualifier Standards’ in each category. These times represent minimum standards for athletes to be competitive (i.e. Top 15) in World Triathlon Championship events.

    Athletes should still aspire to reach performance levels above these targets as well as beyond their age category and towards world’s best. Athletes and coaches should also understand that as World’s Best practice improves, so should our standards. Therefore, the table is dynamic and can change. At the end of each international season,the table will be modified according to the World’s best. The tool is designed to give athletes and coaches a way of assessing progression in each discipline as well as providing an indication of where they need to progress to in future years.

    It should be emphasised that performances in draft legal triathlon is still the key performance indicator that determines athlete’s performance.

    The table should be utilized as a reference tool, but in no-way substitute’s performances in specific triathlon events.

    Finally, it is important to note the National Performance Standards are not designed as a talent identification tool.

    Again, to emphasis…The purpose of the national performance standards is not as a definitive measure of Triathlon ability. Rather, they are used as a quantifiable measure of potential and improvement in each of the three legs of triathlon.``

  2. Otros puntos interesantes:

    • Outline to athletes that it is all about them doing the very best that they can do in each performance. It is not about comparing with others, because effort is the most important thing. It is not necessarily the athlete with the fastest single discipline times who becomes the best triathlete.

    • The standards should be used in conjunction with good coaching principles for steady progressive development of skill, speed and endurance in each discipline and Triathlon as a whole sport. Achieving standards SHOULD NEVER BE AT THE EXPENSE OF SOUND BAISIS OF TECHNIQUE AND GRADUAL PROGRESSION linked to physical, physiological and training age, specific to the needs of each individual young triathlete.

    • The bottom line is that participation in the sport of Triathlon should be about improvement and enjoyment (at any age, but particularly for young athletes). National Performance Standards should be an exciting and interesting tool by which triathletes can assess where they are at in each of the disciplines. The emphasis should be on finding ways for individual improvement first. Using them as a comparative tool should be done with GREAT DISCRETION and SUPERVISION, with the context of the times as a guide of the standard required IF the athlete is aiming to progress within the TA elite development pathway.

    The purpose of the national performance standards is NOT as a definitive measure of Triathlon ability. Rather, they are used as a quantifiable measure of potential and improvement in each of the three legs of triathlon.

    PS: Se mide de 14 a 16 años 400 metros de nado, 3km a pie. Se mide de 16 adelante 1000m de nado, 20km Time Trial en bici sin drafting, 5km de carrera a pie, teniendo marcas mìnimas diferentes para junior, sub 23 y elite. Por ejemplo un 1000m de nado de junior es 12 minutos 35 segundos, 12:19 para sub 23 y 12:03 para un elite. Un 5km a pie es 15:33 para un junior, 15:13 para un sub 23 y 14:53.

