Listening to Macca is very refreshing.
It is an ironman champion talking. Macca says what many athletes are afraid to
mention and many other people have said but without being in the position of a
Champion. Let the athletes do the job
Federations! Unfortunately, the ITU gave
the power to Federations to continue with the big business. It is not the Australian Federation but the
majority of them, some with a little more common sense than others. Administrators try to appear as champions
because they control the process and money; but they are too far from being one
of them. They destroy athletes in order
“to look big.” Please read the articles
“Triatlón y Marcas Mínimas (2/7/12),” “Reflexion (6/2/11),” and “Traveling to
Veracruz (2/6/12) in this blog, the last one in English. I put just a paragraph

The Mexican Triathlon Federation says that our
athletes need to be tested running 3k, 5k for the sub-23 and elites, and 1k for
the juniors to be considered for the Mexican Team. As you can see, “the right to compete does
not exist;” meaning that they are not allowed to represent the Mexican Team in
international competitions because they do not meet the 1k, 3k or 5k
requirement respectively. Regardless if
they win the triathlon competition that gives spots for the international event
as it happened last year, when two of our juniors won the first and second
places in the event where FMTRI gave spots to represent Mexico in the
Panamerican Championship. The President of the Mexican Federation claims that
the other competitors gave them a chance because they knew that our athletes
did not meet the times on the “checking.”
So, we were convinced to assist this time.
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