24 sept. 2012


Triathlon, Socrates and Armstong.
This is as old as Socrates and perhaps even before, but this is how democracy works and started with the Greeks.
In the spring of 399 B.C., Socratescon­fronted 500 Athe­ni­ans, cit­i­zens, judges and jurors, in his trial ini­ti­ated by the charges lev­eled at him by Mele­tus, Any­tos and Lycon. The trial began with a read­ing of the for­mal charges:“Socrates is a doer of evil, and cor­rupter of the youth, and he does not believe in the gods of the state, and he believes in other new divini­ties of his own.”
Last Fri­day the Onas­sis Cul­tural Cen­tre in Athens gave Socrates a new trial, assem­bling a panel of dis­tin­guished jurists from Europe and Amer­ica to reopen the case. This time the ver­dict was dif­fer­ent. The vote by the jury was a 5–5 tie, which meant Socrates was acquit­ted. The audience’s vote was more deci­sive: 5 to con­vict, 584 to acquit. Of course, it was a lit­tle late for Socrates.


Four hundred years after Socrates, Jesus suffered the same end. We are repetitive animals that it is why my supervisor Robert Seidenberg, MD said that to me, 10 avr. 2012 TRIATHLON PHYSIOLOGY FOR DUMMIES AND THE TENDENCY TOWARD THE MEAN Robert did many things for me. I thanked him when leaving supervision after a year; and on the way of exiting his office in the corridor, he yelled at me from his desk before I reached the door: “Be careful, every boy born in a Catholic country wants to be like Jesus and ends crucified.” We want to be as our heroes, that is what limits us. At the end, it is so simple,“YOU SHOULD CHOOSE YOUR HEROES AND FOLLOW THEM IF YOU WANT TO BE CHAMPION.”

What is happening today?

You are right champ! We have not learned many things over millenniums and still do murderous rituals as in the past. That is why you are the champ.

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