16 oct. 2012



I always tell athletes, give me the “meat and bread” of the information so we can make the best decision we can.  And the news will always come down to money.  In New Zealand there have been a discussion regarding what to do with the elderly in fifteen years from now.  Right now they are supported by 4.5 working people but it will come to 2.4 in fifty years and the income is becoming smaller.  How much money should go to the elderly because the cost of illness and disease is increasing due to lack of heat, electricity and humidity in their houses?  The cost of electricity for the houses has increased substantially and it needs to be considered as a major player in the budget for most of the houses.  What does it have to do with triathlon?  A lot.  I read someplace that when Bevan Docherty left New Zealand, he had 200 dollars in his pocket to survive Europe; he was “lucky.”  Even if you are good, you need to plan.  He found somebody who helped him with a half-paid job as a domestic riding for a local team.  Our athletes need good price money because they deserve much more than any other sport; and they don´t get it if the country, the city and the like are “broke.”

They are ready to compete and win; if nobody else is better prepared than them.

1 commentaire:

  1. Awesome! Congratulations! Great race! Excelent result!
    More good things to come!
    Keep the good job.
