25 juin 2013

Predicting Competition Performance

There are ways to “predict performance” and evolution of our training regimen, but we are afraid of looking at them.  The Germans mentioned that performance in triathlon is correlated with the ability to run and not so much with the ability to swim.  I took it from the presentation by the Germans via twitter.  They considered the success of elite competitors.
18 févr. 2013
When I first heard this expression and thought about running and what makes people run after finishing the bike and swim in triathlon.  The wet run is real; it is just for intelligent triathletes. As we mentioned in this blog, there are benchmarks that are needed in order to perform in triathlon.  Swimming in 16:30 and biking a 5k on flat surface in 6:45 is necessary to speak of “wet run.”  This post comes after looking at the numbers from Alistair Brownlee´s coach posted by Alfonso Andreu.

The Swiss use the ability to run after the bike to determine improvement or how fast they can run the last 10k after the swim and bike.  Sometimes it is difficult because the bike has improved so much that the running prediction does not stand at the bike´s wattage used in the protocol.
We know that triathlon is won by the best runner after the bike.  Please see “wet run” in this blog. 
But let´s look at a test and a protocol used to “predict performance.”  This protocol has become standard now a day but very few know when this started.
A few things we can say regarding this testing:
1)   Individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) was the best predictor for performance.  The term has multiple edges or sides.
a)   As authors mentioned, the most dedicated athletes were able to increase the anaerobic threshold: “A more stable competition performance and thus lower deviation from performance-diagnostic predictions can be assumed for ambitious competitors than among the recreational runners.”
b)   These ambitious runners can do reps on the track that hurt and they follow in a better way their training regimen.
c)   To increase anaerobic threshold we need to train anaerobically at race pace or above it.  The best way to do improve anaerobic threshold is doing reps that last less than five minutes with the proper recovery.
d)   I will leave you with a good article to reflect on:
Predicting competition performance in long-distance running by means of a treadmill test
[Special Communications: Methods]
Universität Tübingen, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Abteilung Sportmedizin, GERMANY
Submitted for publication July 1997.
Accepted for publication March 1998.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Kai Roecker, Universität Tübingen, Abteilung Sportmedizin, Hölderlinstr. 11, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. E-mail: kai.roecker@uni-tuebingen.de.
Predicting competition performance in long-distance running by means of a treadmill test. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 1552-1557, 1998.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the power of 16 parameters beside the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) in predicting performance in various competition distances.
Methods: This study examined 427 competitive runners to test the prediction probability of the IAT and other parameters for various running distances. All runners (339 men, 88 women; ages, 32.5 ± 10.14 yr; training, 7.1 ± 5.53 yr; training distance, 77.9 ± 35.63 km·wk-1) performed an increment test on the treadmill (starting speed, 6 or 8 km·h-1; increments, 2 km·h-1; increment duration, 3 min to exhaustion). The heart rate (HR) and the lactate concentrations in hemolyzed whole blood were measured at rest and at the end of each exercise level. The IAT was defined as the running speed at a net increase in lactate concentration 1.5 mmol·L-1 above the lactate concentration at LT.
Results: Significant correlations (r = 0.88-0.93) with the mean competition speed were found for the competition distances and could be increased using stepwise multiple regression (r = 0.953-0.968) with a set of additional parameters from the training history, anthropometric data, or the performance diagnostics.
Conclusions: The running speed at a defined net lactate increase thus produces an increasing prediction accuracy with increasing distance. A parallel curve of the identity straight lines with the straight lines of regression indicates the independence of at least a second independent performance determining factor.
The term "anaerobic threshold" was introduced by Wasserman et al. (33) for the measurement of aerobic capacity in patients. Above this "anaerobic threshold" according to Wasserman's definition, performance is characterized by "a sustained metabolic acidemia." Determination of the anaerobic threshold offered the great advantage that, unlike for the measurement of the maximum parameter V˙O2max, the patient did not have to exercise to total physical exhaustion to determine his aerobic capacity.
Although there is no direct agreement between the parameters of gas metabolism and the blood lactate concentration from a physiological point of view, during the 1970s the Wasserman threshold concept was adapted to the lactate increase (2,6,15,17). Measurement of the lactate concentration is preferred over ergospirometric diagnostics in the care of athletes because of the simpler method (8,17,25,32). The application of lactate diagnostics has also achieved widespread acceptance in recreational sports and even for patients.
The lactate concentration in blood can only be determined discontinuously. Therefore, the use of graphic interpolating procedures is essential in evaluating the course kinetics of the lactate concentration in exercise. Many of these usually polynomial interpolation procedures (2,16,22) are, however, beset with qualitative weaknesses. Since, however, the physiological definition of the basic model of lactate formation under exercise is uncertain (6,16), a wide variety of procedures have arisen for indirect determination of an anaerobic "lactate threshold." The common concepts in use have only become established by practical experience in their applications (11,15,28). There is, for example, still uncertainty concerning the optimal step duration in the multistage testing protocols to predict the performance capacity in long-term endurance.
Even in the early 1980s studies were published on the predictive value of treadmill speed at 4 mmol·L-1 for the mean marathon running speed (18,26). The number of subjects in these studies was, however, too small in each case, and most of the studies had no means for comparing different competition distances. Also, no test was made showing whether inclusion of the lactate measurement really made better prediction of the running performance possible compared with recording of only, for example, the maximum treadmill speed achieved.
As a supplement to earlier studies, this study is intended to examine the power of 16 parameters in predicting performance in various competition distances. The basis of the test is data recorded in a simple routine treadmill test.
Subjects. In this study 427 subjects (88 women, 339 men) were questioned about corresponding competition performance in connection with exercise testing at a sports medical outpatient clinic. All participants gave consent to participate in the study. The individuals were metabolically healthy and participated regularly in running competitions. A maximum time of 2 months elapsed between the ergometer test and the competition date. Total body fat was determined by the skinfold caliper technique of Brozek et al. (7) at three measuring sites. The anthropometric data are shown in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Anthropometric data.
Exercise test. The subjects exercised in a multilevel increment test on a treadmill (Fa. HP Cosmos, Traunstein, Germany) to subjective exhaustion. The initial running speed depended on the known performance capacity of the athlete and was 6 or 8 km·h-1, with increments of 2 km·h-1 every 3 min. The treadmill slope was 2%. This value provides the highest agreement between treadmill speed and running speed on the running track or the street for the type of ergometer used. The temperature in the exercise room was held constant by an air conditioner at 20°C with a relative humidity of 50%.
The lactate concentration in hemolyzed whole blood was determined by a semiautomatic enzyme-chemical method (Eppendorff ESAT,D) at rest, after the end of each exercise level, and 1, 3, and 5 min after the end of exercise. The HR was evaluated at rest and at the end of each exercise level using a surface EKG.
The maximum running speed (velmax), maximum lactate concentration (Lamax), and maximum HR (HFmax) were used as parameters for subsequent assessment.
Individual anaerobic "threshold". The IAT was determined by the method described by Dickhuth et al. (11). Our own PC-routine (Borland C+ +), which connects the curve segments between the individual lactate measured values by equalizing SPLINE procedure (27), was used for investigator-independent calculation of the IAT. The lactate threshold (LT) determined from this interpolated curve over the minimum of the quotient lactate/performance was taken as the start of increase in lactate concentration (Fig. 1). The IAT was defined as the running speed at a lactate concentration of 1.5 mmol·L-1 over the lactate concentration at LT.
Figure 1-Determination of IAT: Performance at a lactate concentration of lactate at LT + 1.5 mmol·L-1. The data ± SD of the group of subjects examined are presented.
The running speed at 4 mmol·L-1 blood lactate (v(4 mmol·L-1)) and the blood lactate concentration at LT (La(LT)) were determined from the curve smoothed as described. The HR curve smoothed in the same procedure was used to determine the HR at IAT (HF(IAT)).
Statistics. Data recording and selection were made using a relational database system on a PC. Statistical calculations were made using JMP (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and KaleidaGraph (Synergy Software, Reading, PA) on a personal computer (Apple Macintosh, Cupertino, CA). All values are given as mean ± SD. The procedure of linear regressions was applied to present the simple predictive value. Percentile plots were created to present frequency distributions. The influence of additional independent variables on competition performance was tested using a forward multiple stepwise regression (1). A value of P = 0.250 was selected as the probability to enter for the stepwise regression. All parameters were tested for normal distribution by the Shapiro-Wilks test for normality before further analysis.
The resting lactate concentration in the total collective was 1.34 ± 0.48, which is not significantly different from the lactate concentration at LT (1.27 ± 0.61 mmol·L-1). However, the occurrence of individual values of up to 3.5 mmol·L-1 lactate at rest as well as at LT is noteworthy. With a maximum lactate concentration of 8.3 ± 2.9 mmol·L-1 and maximum HR of 187.1 ± 15.2 beats·min-1, the subjects exercised in all probability to exhaustion. At a maximum running speed of 18.01 ± 2.31 km·h-1, the IAT in the total collective at performance of 14.77 ± 1.95 km·h-1 corresponded to 82.0 ± 19.8% of the maximum running speed attained.
The linear regression between IAT, but also to velmax, and the competition performance in each case showed statistically significant correlation in all cases (P < 0.0001, Fig. 2, Table 2). It is noteworthy that the straight lines of regression for all competition distances run parallel to the identity straight lines in each case. There is a tendency for shorter distances to show poorer correlation to the IAT and better correlation to velmax. The correlation between LT and competition performance was not significant in any case (Table 3).
Figure 2-Left panels: Linear regression between the results of the multiple regression (Table 4) and the average competition running time. The solid lines are the straight lines of regression, the broken lines are the identity lines □ = male, • = female. Right panels: The relative deviations of the competion performance attained vs the values predicted from the regression model in Table 4.
TABLE 2. Mean weekly running kilometers (km·wk-1), competition results (s), and the regression equations between the competition results and the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) measured by the treadmill test.

TABLE 3. Independent correlations between mean competition velocity and parameters of performance diagnostics.
TABLE 4. Stepwise regression between a performance-diagnostic parameter set (Table 1) and the various competition distances. The table shows the decreasing rank of the model parameters under "Step." The actual distribution between the model and reality is presented in Figure 1.
Table 4 shows the results of the forward stepwise regression between the parameters measured and the various competition distances. These calculations revealed that the IAT had the highest predictive value for race distances of 10,000 m and longer. The longer the competition distance, the fewer parameters had to be added to the IAT to predict the running performance.
The essential result of this study is the conclusion that the IAT is the strongest predictor of specific performance capacity in long-distance running compared with the other parameters tested under practice- relevant conditions. As a supplement to earlier studies by others (18,24,26,29,30), this study found that the IAT has the highest predictive value both for a broad range of various running distances and when taking various independent secondary conditions into account.
The essential importance in determining IAT undoubtedly lies in the control and classification of training in the desired metabolic range (8,21). However, performance prognosis is made in practice based on IAT (22,31). Orientation to the reliability of performance prediction and recommended competition speeds in treadmill tests is especially important in marathon races. A "test race"-the most specific performance control-cannot be practiced in marathons since even elite racers can only participate in two or three marathon competitions per year.
Whether optimal performance can be attained depends on many exogenic factors in competition athletes. To determine the predictive value of the test parameters for best possible competition performance, we allowed a maximum interval of 2 months between the stress test and competition. If there were several competition results within the period cited, we selected the best result for the statistics. A training adaptive effect and changes in other performance limiting parameters within the same time might have had negative effects on the correlations calculated.
For the IAT as defined here, it is in no way a parameter with a physiological basis, just as the term "threshold" is confusing in this context. Contrary to the recommendations, working in longitudinal assessment with fixed lactate concentrations of 2, 3, or 4 mmol·L-1 does not appear appropriate because of the demonstrably poorer predictive value of running speed at 4 mmol·L-1. Even at physical rest and in the range of the IAT, individual values of 0.4-3.5 mmol·L-1 were attained by endurance-trained athletes. This range of variation itself, which may be elicited by nutrition (3), prior stress, muscle fiber distribution, or distribution phenomena (6), makes a performance-diagnostic procedure based on lactate kinetics, as opposed to absolute values, appear necessary (10).
The procedure applied in our study takes the first moment of the first increase in lactate (LT) into account. The addition of a lactate constant corresponds to a net increase in lactate concentration. The dimension of this net increase is deduced from experience, which is based on a definition in agreement with marathon running speeds (11). A modification of the exercise protocol or the type of exercise would require the adjustment of the constants according to this principle. The term "threshold" is, however, not meaningful in this context and was only used in this study for reasons of comparison.
Our studies show a significant correlation between IAT and the performance in the tested running distances. This confirms that the so-called "aerobic oxidative work capacity," which is considered an essential parameter for performance in endurance sports, is most likely covered by the IAT (10). It also shows that the straight lines of regression for all tested running distances are nearly parallel to the corresponding straight lines of identity. This observation confirms that there is at least one further dominant IAT-independent factor besides the aerobic-oxidative energy supply (31,34). In shorter running distances, this second factor is most likely identical with the so-called "anaerobiclactacid work capacity" (14). After a certain length of exercise, the substrate availability becomes the additional limitation to performance capacity.
In agreement with earlier studies that measured the relationship between training scope and extent of performance (4,12,13), our data also showed a weak relationship between the extent of IAT and the weekly training kilometers (r = 0.67, P < 0.001), but no correlation to the years of training (r = 0.04). This is most likely evidence of the marked genetic component in performance capacity (5,23).
In the stepwise multiple regression performed with the various independent variables is a decreasing influence of the parameters velmax and Lamax on competition performance with increasing competition distances. Both parameters are determined partly by the "anaerobic work capacity." The longer the competition distance, the more the substrate availability and glycogen storage quantity are considered to be performance-determining factors (9). The mean exercise scope of an athlete is considered the determining parameter besides genetic prerequisites. Sjödin et al. (26) demonstrated the scope of training as an essential parameter in addition to the IAT in a multiregression analysis. The "weekly mileage" is more influential for the long distances of half-marathon and marathon than for the 1500-m and 5000-m distances in our regression models.
Longer competition distances tend to be more predictable from the performance diagnostic data than the shorter distances, and fewer parameters are needed to describe the predictive model. This finding contradicts the opinion that corresponding to longer competition duration, testing protocols with longer individual stages are necessary to effectively determine specific performance capacity. Since marathon performance is largely defined by the factor "aerobicoxidative capacity" (19), it is understandable that competition performance is largely determined by the IAT. However, the described independent proportion of the "anaerobic-lactacid work capacity" has a negative influence on the correlation between IAT and competition performance for the shorter competitions.
However, it may be concluded from the observations that a test to determine specific performance capacity in long-term endurance athletes need not apply long increments. The basic advantage of using shorter levels is a higher resolution of measured data, a lower interpolation error, and thus higher reliability (20).
An identical or even greater amount of training of the 1500-m and 5000-m runners compared with marathon runners indicates that the track runners were on the average more likely to be ambitious competitors, whereas more of the marathon runners were recreational runners. A more stable competition performance and thus lower deviation from performance-diagnostic predictions can be assumed for ambitious competitors than among the recreational runners. This opinion is supported by the fact that the correlation of marathon performance shows a greater scattering versus the IAT in the lower performance range than in the higher range. However, there is a quite high correlation between the IAT and competition performance, despite the probable high influence of the anaerobic capacity on the shorter distances.
The quality of the prediction of competition performance from treadmill diagnostic data is surprisingly good and its precision can be estimated. However, the importance of performance prognosis-especially on the shorter distances-should not be overestimated. The performance of shorter test competitions is more easily accomplished here. The use of a test for tempo definition and support of training plans only becomes meaningful for the very long, stressful distances.
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