3 mai 2017

Triathlon and Fake News

I watched the Simpsons 100 days of Trump and listened what Trump said regarding the subject: “The most successful in History.”
Trump to @PeterAlexander: "It's a false standard, 100 days, but...I don't think anybody has done what we we've been able to do in 100 days"

Trump’s “fake news” are the Trojan horse that drive his behavior.  Fake news are behind the behavior of our politicians and majority of institutions to control people.  Unfortunately, triathlon is not immune to “fake news.”  Reason why we write this blog and in English.  How to fight “fake news?”
Rather than let the situation fester, my friend encouraged customers he'd personally met to enter positive reviews and personally contacted the negative reviewers to "make good" by offering them discounts and other perks. Within a couple of months, the company's YELP scores skyrocketed from two to four stars and store's sales spiked sharply upwards.
The lesson of fake news for marketers is that you can't depend upon advertising and traditional media to mold public opinion about your brand. Instead, you must work get your customers to share the positive truths about your company. Meanwhile make sure, as far as possible, that "fake news" about your company dies on the social media vine.

Our mind is bombarded by “fake news” and athletes underperformed because of this “fake news.”  You can see “low-self-esteem” because of this “fake news.”  This happens when athletes come from an underserved areas.  Imagine when Trumps says:

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes@NBCNews@ABC@CBS@CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

Don't believe the main stream (fake news) media. The White House is running VERY WELL. I inherited a MESS and am in the process of fixing it.

The subject of anxiety related to “fake news” is relevant in countries like Mexico or when athletes come from an underserved environment.

Multidimensional anxiety theory expanded on reversal theory's inclusion of cognitive and physiological factors (Burton, 1988). In this model, cognitive anxiety (the central tenet of which is concerned with the consequences of failure) has been found to have a negative linear relationship with performance (Burton, 1988). Self-confidence (a separate cognitive component) has been found to have a positive linear relationship with performance (Burton, 1988). Finally, somatic anxiety (physiological symptoms) has been found to have an inverted-U shaped relationship with performance (Burton, 1988).

The only way to help athletes to overcome “fake news” is educating them.  Let’s fight “fake news” in triathlon, keep reading us.

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