18 oct. 2015

Triathlon and Running Economy IV

We discussed how research has been done and the confounding variables that exist in the three previous posts.  Let´s look at how the Japanese try to do research on running in the following video.  We can come up with valid data useful for our triathletes:

1)   Touching the ground less than 0.16 of a second.
2)   The weight of the subject when touching the ground is less than 50% of the total when touching the ground, meaning that the weight is dependent on the time touching the ground.  The Japanese runner stays on the ground longer (0.22), so his weight is higher than 80% of the total.
3)   The time on the ground limits the elasticity and the energy stored in the muscles and tendons is wasted.
4)   The weight is a big factor in our performance.  It is easier to increase cadence in our practice than to trim a triathlete when talking about running economy.

Practicing technique will direct the needed structure.

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