5 déc. 2012

Maximaizing VO2 max in Triathlon

I read Macca´s interviews regarding Olympic distance triathlon and Ironman.  The Brownlees already spoke about the difference.  They do not want to change the way they train for the adventure of Ironman when they are winning.  I would not change even if it is worth trying economically; the Olympic distance triathletes are better recognized.  Triathletes try Ironman as a way of retirement when they are unable to keep up with the ITU speed.  As human beings, we pursue what we can do better, and sometimes it is not precisely what we want to do.  Nicholas Romanov mentioned to me that he has difficulties accepting athletes that feel comfortable being elite but do not have the desire to be the best.  He does not like to see that those athletes just look for being elite and not being the best.  Triathlon becomes a job, something that is fine because people, and of course triathletes, need to eat.  Triathlon as a job with many advantages becomes the only motivation to practice the sport of triathlon.  IT BECOMES A JOB as any other.  KEEP THAT IN MIND TO EVALUATE YOUR ATHLETE!  Is your athlete training to eat or to develop full potential?

The following videos are not related to Obama against Romney.  The videos that follow are related to Floyd Mayweather.  Floyd´s family comes from slavery and has had many champions including his father. That is why black people are so good; they overcame handicaps for centuries.  It is not genetics; they have a culture and a history.  I spoke to a German survivor from the World War II.  He was a toddler when it happened and he told me: “America is different because you did not have the war.  You become a survivor after the experience of war and war is part of you.” It is like Crocodile Dundee in a sense. 2 nov. 2012 Crocodile Dundee Second Part and Triathlon

During the late 18th and 19th centuries, large numbers of convicts were transported to the various Australian penal colonies by the British government. One of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was the establishment of a penal colony to alleviate pressure on their overburdened correctional facilities. Over the 80 years more than 165,000 convicts were transported to Australia.[1]
The number of convicts pales in comparison to the immigrants who arrived in Australia in the 1851–1871 gold rush. In 1852 alone, 370,000 immigrants arrived in Australia. By 1871 the total population had nearly quadrupled from 430,000 to 1.7 million people.[2] The last convicts to be transported to Australia arrived in Western Australia in 1868. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convicts_in_Australia
New Zealand’s Pakeha origin as a bolt-hole for convicts escaping Australia, a place where former convicts joined whaling and sealing gangs, and where sea captains thumbed their noses at the law, has been quietly forgotten. It has become a hidden part of our past, buried under the convenient fiction that the Treaty of Waitangi is the sole pivot of New Zealand’s colonial story. In Convicts: New Zealand’s Hidden Criminal Past, noted historian Matthew Wright challenges that notion. Our early nineteenth-century Pakeha past is, at least in part, a story of convicts who had found their way past the edge of the law, an age of heroic tales of survival, scurrilous deeds, cannibalism and piracy.
See VIDEOS in the right order.  They point out the difficulties encounter with athletes and what we should work on before starting an intelligent training:

Maximizing our engine is very important to achieve the best result in what we do as a sport.  Maximize you ironman engine or your ITU one; they have a different training.  DO NOT LOOK FOR IMPROVING VO2 max WITHOUT MAXIMIZING SPEED!
VO2 max is easily improved by increasing mileage.  The problem is that if you are slow runner (check your average mile/time); your improved VO2 max does not help you at all.  I gave you an example of the Tarahumara in Mexico, or even Armstrong running (regardless of doping or not).  VO2 max is specific to the activity we practice swimming, biking or running; slow running versus fast running.
In Mexico, we have a tribe that have the ritual of following the deer to kill it for exhaustion:  The statement that, “The Tarahumara may be the finest natural distance runners in the world”, made by University of Arizona archeologist Michael Jenk inson, offers some insight into just how good the indians are at running (Lutz 21). The Tarahumara routinely run distances only covered by only the most advanced ultramarathon runners today. To these indians, running is more than sport, running is literally life. The Tarahumara live in very rugged land and travel by wagon or horses is usually impractical. Because of this, foot travel is more often than not the best option for getting from one place to another and it is usually the quickest. While on foot, the Tarahumara do not stroll from one place to their destination, running is used to perform everyday tasks. It is not uncommon for a Tarahumara to travel between fifty and eighty miles everyday at a “race” like pace. http://www.lehigh.edu/~dmd1/art.html  
28 oct. 2012 “Crocodile” Dundee Phenomenon and Triathlon.

We have spoken of improving the capacity to tolerate lactate, which literally means how to improve our speed. I do not call it that way instead: Keeping with the promise of speaking another language regarding lactate; the use of lactate by neurons will give us the NEURON THRESHOLD to use lactate.  “Lactate threshold” should be “neuronal threshold” as it has to do with the neurological training mentioned before in a post. 

It is pertinent that what it was mentioned on previous post regarding VO2 max is accurate for lactate also. Lactate was announced in a previous post: 1 avr. 2012 TRIATHLON PHYSIOLOGY FOR DUMMIES AND THE TENDENCY TOWARD THE MEAN 
When speaking about lactate, I have to show you a different way of looking at it.  Another language so we can see something else helpful…  In Medicine there are many monuments left for our heroes and at the end it is difficult to see “the real.” Lactate is the most effective transport of energy for our body in the “fight or flight” situation; when the body has an emergency, lactate is produced.  OUR BRAIN NEURONS USE LACTATE AS THE ONLY FUEL to do our daily task. I assume that neurons use it in general as the main fuel. So, lactate is “good.”  We have to produce lactate to get the neuro-fibers firing.  Around 4millimols per liter of blood allows us to finish an Olympic Distance Triathlon at our best pace.  The more tolerance we acquired to lactate the better we are.  Here, it is important to point out that sometimes the cybernetic equilibrium is lost and lactate continues to increase without being used by neurons or other cells (not in the case of Lance Armstrong as you will see below).  Anecdotal, we can say that even if we finish a marathon in “the sweet spot,” our lactate goes up above 10. It means, we have a tolerance to lactate above 4.
It is just interesting now that the fourth fight is going to happen between Pacquiao and Marquez.  Testosterone really helps for this kind of sport.  You do not need it seven days before the fight; its effects appear 15 days after taking it. Pacquiao is accussed of using testosterone which does not help your VO2 max but your speed and aggressiveness.
Given that the biggest fight in boxing, a showdown between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, has yet to take place due to a disagreement in anti-doping procedures, it’s ironic to see Freddie Roach demanding an anti-doping test on the actual night of the fight. While Mayweather has stood firm on his demand for random Olympic-style testing leading all the way up until the bout, Pacquiao has thus far only been willing to agree to testing up until 7 days before the fight. After going through his own experience with an opponent and their use of performance enhancing drugs on the night of the fight, one has to wonder if Roach may now understand why Floyd Mayweather might have his own reasons, whether they’re justified or not, for wanting more stringent testing leading up until fight night.

We should look at things in a cybernetic way.  Everything is interrelated and how to find the edge every time is the game.
1)   In order to improve VO2 max we need to really want it.  In other words, we need to prepare our heads.
2)   If we do not have speed, it is worthless to have a high VO2 max unless we do ironman.
3)   We need “to want it bad” in order to practice speed.  We need to have a well-made head to practice speed longer than three minutes each rep without burning out rapidly.  We need planning and order in our lives.
4)   It is not just a matter of “wanting bad,” we need technique, planning and intelligence to look for the edge.

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