15 déc. 2012


I am an expert in conducting a meeting for a group session.  I have done it for years, 20 to be exact.  We have tried to do our sessions regularly, but it is very difficult because of our schedule.  IF YOU WANT TO HAVE SUCCESS WITH YOUR GROUP, do sessions at least once a month with all the players and their families.  Otherwise, you are out of business quite fast.  Subgrouping is easily formed and as a consequence a “coup d´état” is easily formed.  THAT IS A HUMAN CONDITION.  We are allergic to education and to thinking seriously.  

Our friend Glenn tells us why a “coup d’état” is easily formed.  He speaks of mediocrity, but I would speak of culture and the way to react to stress.  The way we react to stress depends on the culture we grow up in.  I won´t speak of the stupidity that happened in Conn, USA, where a young man killed so many people. But it is related to what I mentioned as a culture.  We create our monsters, and we have to deal with.  I grew up in the US and a huge part of me belongs there.  At least my heroes come from there.  My ancestors are Jewish and French (unassimilated), reason why I have a different formation from a “regular” Mexican, but I am a Mexican.  My great grandfather escaped from Europe and built an emporium in Mexico that disappeared in the Mexican Revolution, but he left me a culture that has allowed me to get to my age without great troubles.  The only thing left after the destruction of the “Hacienda de Santa Ifigenia” (my great grandfather´s Hacienda) was, as Einstein said: “What it is left after forgetting what is learned at school: Education.”  Let´s read Glenn again.

23 oct. 2011
Taken from our friend Glenn Mills www.goswim.tv

Mediocrity in business is getting in right at nine, and leaving right at five. Mediocrity in athletics is doing the bare minimum and expecting great results.

How do you overcome mediocrity?  By discovering what is instinctual and overcoming those traits.  In business, not just finishing the task, but trying to solve problems created by the demand of that task... finding a better way (Steve Jobs).  In business, not just earning the money, but understanding that in order for other people to have the ability and opportunity to create a better society, they need a better education, so you give what you have back to creating that future (Al Weatherhead).  In athletics, discovering where you rest, relax, shut down and filling in those gaps.

Don't kick off your walls?  Mediocre.  Fill in that gap.  Don't go IN to the walls aggressively?  Mediocre.  Fill in that gap.  Practice starts at 6, you  show up at 6?  Mediocre.  Get in earlier and stretch.  Pull on the lane line? Ugh... completely mediocre.  Knock that off!  Don't streamline? Worse than mediocre... pointless.  Fill in that gap.

We could go on and on about the opportunities to fill in the gaps both in real life, and athletics.  The trick is, finding out what part of your life is average, and do your best to overcome that.  Living to that standard isn't easy, and we all fall short at times.  It's those who fall short the least that win and succeed.

All you have to do is open your eyes, look at the successful people, find out what they do, and try to do your best to model as much of that as you can.  You don't have to be a Steve and or Al, and truth be told, (not wanting to put limitations on anyone else), I know if they're my personal standard, I'm a complete and utter failure.  My one solace is that I knew Al, and I feel proud that he always knew how hard I try.

Now ask yourself if your hero's know you're trying, and would they be proud of your desire to overcome mediocrity?

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