We have spoken several times about research. I will not try to make a fire twice, so I
will refer to previous posts. If you
have been following me for a while, it will give you more information about
triathlon. Reading documents twice or
three times at different times in our life, any document written by anybody give
us more information about the subject.
We have a series called, Triathlon Physiology for Dummies and the
Tendency toward the Mean. In chapter
one, we talked about experimentation in triathlon. Albert Einstein would say: “When the
phenomenon is too complex, science fails us.”
We looked for ways to overcome what Einstein said using one subject
Why one subject experimentation? A tendency toward the
mean will be present most of the time because the amount of variables present
when testing a very small cohort, 20-30 or 40 subjects, does not give a
statistical power; “science does not proof, just proves.” The
experimentation is useful when we know the different variables. For
instants, I have seen graphics which do not belong to me. It is a testing of
the Mexican Federation, where increasing the pacing (decreasing the time per
kilometer) when increasing the cadence, correlates with a better outcome while
competing running, compared to increasing the time flying (increasing the
stride length). When you see the outcome it is difficult to make
something out of it if you do not have a good idea about the variables, but
knowing the background it is easier. This is the strongest reason why the
tendency toward the mean exists, or as I would say: “chance plays a major
role when we do not have an intervention for each variable.” Improving
technique is an intervention. That is why Einstein said: "God does
not play dice with the universe."
Let’s continue with the example of cadence. It
is said that increasing cadence increases oxygen consumption, reason why some
coaches advocate low cadence. This looks like a paradox because we do not
take into consideration the type of fibers use and the neurological training
needed to run or to cycle at a high cadence, above 220 running and above 105rpm
cycling. When we do a metabolic test, the more oxygen we use the fitter
we are. Increasing cadence augments oxygen consumption because the heart,
lungs and legs use more oxygen. The advantage is the type of fibers used
while cycling or running, oxygen consuming fibers, the ones that fatigue until
they die, or if there is an oxygen debt. If we decrease cadence, e.g. to
180 running or 80rpm cycling keeping the same speed, involvement of the other
fibers that do not use so much oxygen takes place and fatigue sits in or
bonking is a consequence. What to do with high oxygen consumption in the case
of high cadence? Eat more in order to continue exercising. How much? For
a 70kg athlete, 450 calories per hour is the goal, in order to avoid the
bonking. Of course, we need to have a neurological training and anaerobic
training to face the competition at a high cadence which I will explain
later. Empirical observations we have with Lance Armstrong and the
athletes we have trained. In some athletes we have a before and an after
when changing the cadence, a one subject experimentation. TRIATHLON PHYSIOLOGY FOR DUMMIES AND
If we believe in genetic induction, i.e. training is a
genetic induction. We can expect that
our gut can also adapt to increase the carbohydrate absorption and metabolism. We can give 350 calories per hour without great problems and good results.
The amount of proteins ingested will depend on the
amount of times we hit the VO2max above 87%. Depends on how much one
elevates cortisol (please see: March 19, 2012. TRIATHLON PHYSIOLOGY FOR DUMMIES
AND THE TENDENCY TOWARD THE MEAN. Fourth part: cortisol and growth hormone);
the hormone that increases the formation of glucose (gluconeogenesis) using our
own proteins for that purpose. It can be several hours after finishing
exercising when cortisol comes down, reason why we should increase our protein
ingestion up to 4grs per kilo when we do this kind of training, maintaining the
caloric balance with carbohydrates. The more we do this training and
tolerate it, the better we become. A simple CBC with differential and
ferritin is enough if we have a well-educated triathlete who counts caloric
intake and takes protein according to what is mentioned above. Triathlete´s
nutrition and overtraining 10/6/12
hour and twenty minutes after taking the last load of carbohydrates while
biking at 70% VO2 max, the exogenous carbohydrates are metabolized to CO2 contributing
a 60% to the total metabolism. This is
not a conclusion from the previous study, but it can guide us to experiment
empirically without harming the athlete.
The worst thing it can happen is that the athlete could not finish the
race because of abdominal malfunction (don´t do it before an important race!). I will copy what is said in the article (GRAMS
OF CARBOHYDRATES VS TIME) http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=1598
0-15 41 1.3
15-30 38 7.1
30-45 42 10.6
45-60 42 12.2
60-75 39 12.8
140-155 42 25.8
155-170 38 19.8
I am always careful to show the film because young people want to
perform in a very special way. Unfortunately, they do not have enough
knowledge/experience to do it on their own without supervision; everything
could become a catastrophe without knowledge; Einstein would say that
experience is knowledge, the rest is information. The point I make clear
watching the film is: “if you
do not look for the right people to learn from, you become a fool because there
is a tendency toward the mean.”
This is a statistical observation: “if you mixed two different groups
regarding a characteristic, the groups tend to look the same after certain
amount of time.” Wikipedia says the following. “In statistics, regression toward the mean
(also known as regression to the mean) is the phenomenon that if a variable is
extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the average on a
second measurement, and—a fact that may superficially seem paradoxical—if it is
extreme on a second measurement, will tend to have been closer to the average
on the first measurement.[1][2][3] To avoid making wrong inferences, the
possibility of regression toward the mean must be considered when designing
experiments and interpreting experimental, survey, and other empirical data in
the physical, life, behavioral and social sciences.” In other
words, we can become as our rival if we share time competing. This could
be good or bad depending on the kind of rival we have. The same happens
in the creation of a team, we depend on teammates more than anything.
Please read the information on Wikipedia.
Tendency Toward The Mean and Richard Bach´s Risk 4/3/12
We started a research protocol 13 years ago, a
protocol we still follow. We had four children at the beginning that chose us
as a team. The kids wanted to train with
us that is why I said we were chosen; four more children joined the team six
month later. We are left with one of
those eight children but we have started the creation of a New Athletic Culture.
We have had around 40 children who
started the adventure of being part of this culture but they stayed out of the
process for multiple reasons, being ALL OF THEM RELATED TO LACK OF EDUCATION. That is the reason why we have ONE SUBJECT EXPERIMENTATION;
we can point out the kind of educational handicap.
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