29 août 2011


Personal excellence is possible only IF YOU HAVE A DREAM AND A PLAN and if you persist in the face of all obstacles    --Terry Orlick

Take every day as the last one, as your unique OPPORTUNITY.  
Focus and concentrate. 
Passion, persistence and patience

Este reportaje sobre Raúl Alcalá ilustra la vida de un hombre que soñó y logró lo que nadie ha logrado en este país. Es una de las pocas leyendas del deporte mexicano y lo que ha logrado queda totalmente desconocido. Toman el tiempo de escuchar su testimonio.

28 août 2011


Every year there are different races with different goals and different learning. 

Friday race was gaining experience.

Success is not just to win or to lose.

What do we learn?

1. RHYTHM is everything in triathlon as in life. You can’t lose the swimming rhythm.  You need to be there on the feet. You can’t lose rhythm in life. You need to think, reflect and keep learning otherwise you settle.

2. How to race against the one competing in the world circuit. The bike was fast and with one goal, to lose the less possible time. Well done you lost less than 30 seconds leading the pack the entire race.

3. Attitude is everything in triathlon as in life.
The attitude that successful competitors carry ultimately defines their success, even or besides the circumstances (our leader ran 2km without a tennis shoe because another competitor tripped on his foot when he accelerated and passed the group).
The attitude that you will carry though the highs and lows will define you. ‘’We all fail, we all struggle, and we all go through difficult times. That is a given. It’s how you come out of that time that is important. (Bruce Hendler)

4. Finally mindset (mental strength) will help you along the journey. It’s how you handle your mind with strength and determination that will help you go behind the difficult moment.

Things don’t happen overnight, they take time. Gaining experience in the racing environment is learning about tactics and strategies and developing true race knowledge.

23 août 2011

TRISTES TROPIQUES part 2. Continuous improvement is EVERYTHING

Maintaining a TEAM South of Rio Grande is to deal every day with Jean Baudrillard’s description. I fought all my life again this description. I failed so many times because changing is a key factor in this process.  I am still fighting in a city well-known for being squatted by the APPO during 6 months (2006).I fight daily the people’s suicidal mode of not changing, not learning, not thinking while still paying the historical heritage of being lazy and ‘’berrinchudos.’’ 

OUR TEAM today is trying to write its own history, making change and reflection, options.

Making GOOD TO GREAT a reality, as Wayne Goldsmith writes, because:


ALL CHANGE IS PERSONAL…. Accelerate your rate of change faster than your opposition.

The difference between good and great is simple. IT’S ABOUT DOING MORE-MORE OFTEN. The great ones do more than they asked, as my friend Glenn says, do what the coach asks you and always something more.


Cool Memories from Baudrillard for the readers who do not know his writing:

‘’Au sud du Rio Grande, une fois passée la frontière des Etats-Unis, c’est la malédiction qui commence. Tout le continent sud-américain vit encore à l`heure de l’immolation des empires qui s’effondrèrent á l’arrivée des Espagnols et des Portugais, et qui n’en finiront jamais de s’effondrer. …
Personne n’espère réellement s’en sortir. Peut-être n’y a-t’il jamais eu de velléité d’en sortir, de s’arracher la scène primitive, sauf dans une mince couche, intellectuelle et politique, épiphénoménale. Même lá les comportements sont problématiques. On projette tout selon les normes modernes (plan, programme, organization), puis au moment psychologique, on se désintéresse du résultat. C’est comme si on faisait la preuve de ce qu’il faut faire, mais sans volonté de résolution. Bien sûr les choses tournent alors plutôt mal, mais ne croyez pas qu’ils en soient malheureux, car cela ne fait que vérifier l’impossibilité de s’en sortir
Tel qu’il l’est le pays est sans doute voué à perpétuer joyeusement le sacrifice, l’immolation, le canibalisme ritual de toutes ses richesses. Pourquoi pas?
Résultat incohérent: on avance, on fonce droit devant, puis on retombe opinément, fatalement, dans le cycle de la lenteur, on est repris par le virus léthargique de la paresse. Si on désinvestit le résultat de l’action, ce n’est pas qu’on manque de détermination ou d´énergie, c’est qu’une part de cette énergie reste prise dans le cycle antérieur auquel on reste fidèle. Rien n’est destiné à aller droit au but, nul ne peut prétendre mener une opération à son terme. La fin, le reste, le dénouement doivent être laissés au hazard, au diable, à la fatalité. Prétendre contrôler cette part du feu, cette part maudite, en assumer LA RESPONSABILITÉ est proprement absurde et sacrilège. C’est le cycle qui commande…. Cette part énigmatique qui fait échec à tout projet et commande de laisser à toute chose une chance de ne pas réussir.

18 août 2011


''No tiene la culpa el indio, sino él que lo hace compadre.''

Siempre para recordarte con quien te metas. NOTA PERSONAL. 

La mediocridad pega y uno se acostumbra a ser mediocre! Cierto en cualquier parte del mundo! Una vez metido adentro, cuesta trabajo salirse y VER.

Reminder: keep learning!


Reading Joel Filliol and Paulo Sousa’s blogs and thinking.

Reminders for a coach

As a coach, part of your job is to be ON THE ATHLETE'S SIDE! Many coaches are great at accepting accolades when things go well, but quickly try to shed their responsibility when things go wrong. They blame the athlete for the options they make. Guess what Mr. when an athlete decides something, it's your decision too!
If you're not comfortable with the decision, you only have two options. Either convinces the athlete of his mistake or goes with it and assumes full responsibility for the consequences. Shrugging your shoulders is not acceptable. There is no in-between, no sitting on the fence. An athlete makes a mistake, you make a mistake.

2. DO YOUR JOB. Keep yourself away from mediocrity. Mediocrity sucks!
It's very easy to try to blame others, and hard to assume responsibility for failure. But when in doubt, always remember to do your job. (Souza)

Reminders for athletes­:

1. If you're not winning, what do you have to LOSE?
A successful athlete making a change to keep progressing is interesting and noteworthy and shows no complacency - interestingly in my experience many of the top athletes in triathlon are surprisingly complacent. Many are happy to be around the best in their countries even if they are not winning or close to the podium. Despite not achieving at the very highest levels - every athletes dreams of standing on the top of the podium - too few are willing to change in order to reach the top. So they stay stuck where they are, in some ways settling, as change is hard, risk, and unknown. (Filliol)

2. Am I settling?
A lot of times in my work as a coach, I see athletes, both those that I coach and others that I observe, just settling. Just going with the safe, comfortable option. This translates into the decisions they make. It might be in the big decisions, like what races to race, where to live or who to pick as a coach. But also in the small decisions, like cramming workouts to free up an afternoon, changing the training schedule on the fly or what food to eat. (Souza)

Can you hear the sound of settling? It's just a very low noise, a whisper. It's so low that athletes often have trouble hearing it. This is particularly true to those that speak loudly about how right the approach they're currently using is. When you're shouting, it's hard to hear anything else than your own voice. (Souza)

Reminders for coaches and athletes: 

Achieving success, both daily but also long-term, means you can never settle. Means you need to always strive to be better. Means you need to break free from the comfort zone. Means constantly asking the question:
Am I settling? (Souza)

2. Thinking, thinking and thinking again.
Even if you are winning, continuing to do the same thing for too long is a sure way to let the competition catch up to you. (Filliol)

16 août 2011


... to enjoy every minutes of every day-- to love themselves and to love life: surely this is the true essence of life coaching: teaching living!
A wise man told me: Think about what you really love to do. Really think about it. When you discover what it is, when you find passion--work hard at it. Give everything you have to it and success and money will come.    
                                                                                                                     Wayne Goldsmith

The most difficult is not to teach but to understand (from the outside) that the young boys in this team are full time students of  ''LIFE.'' 

They commit to achieve excellence in everything they do. They create an environment of excellence.

As a wise coach once said: ''Attitudes are contagious--is yours worth catching? 

High performance is no so much secrets and mysteries, big words about muscle, energy or applied physics. It is, as Wayne said: '' A MINDSET THAT ACTIVELY SEEKS AND EMBRANCE CHANGE--accelerating the rate of change faster than the competition.  


12 août 2011


''Reading a race is a process by which you evaluate all available information and arrive at AN EDUACATED GUESS.''  Thomas Prehn

The following interview is taken from Slowtchich.com

ST: Were you surprised by Brownlee’s attack during the bike?

Laurent: I actually didn’t realize he attacked until half way through the bike. I thought it was Stuey Hayes. It’s only my fault, it started to rain hard and the course got very slippery. For a while I was quite deep in the peloton so I couldn’t really react right on time. Alistair is an aggressive racer so I am not surprised he would want to get away. Both Brownlees are great athletes but they are not the only ones. They have brought triathlon to a new level but I can feel that some other athletes are reaching them step by step.

To read a race is a matter of paying attention of what's going on before and in the race:  watching, surveying, evaluating everything.

11 août 2011


THE WEAKNESS IS ON THE BIKE  but it's not about ''strength.''

Hello Federation,

Triathlete.com: Being the tactician you are, I was curious as to your opinion on why the main pack let Alistair go. Why do they keep letting him go??!!
McCormack: Well I sort of answered that question previously, but will go here again. You said, “Let him go.” Let me tell you, he takes the time. He just keeps hitting these groups and creating chases. Then his brother will hit the group, and they continue to do it, until the other athletes in the pack start to look around and get others to take up the chase. It is all a mindset. It is basic bike riding 101. The advantage that these boys have right now is that the weakness in the ITU racers is not so much their bike strength but their attitude towards the bike. They are all scared to do too much work on the bike both in training and in the race, for fear of running badly. This has been created because of the drafting on the bike and really because in the past it has been the run that has won the races. But as I said in my last interview with you, sports evolve and I have watched this sport evolve for the past two decades. It is obvious where the flaws in the racing are, and the weaknesses that the racing has now. These guys swim like fish and all run well. The weakness is on the bike. Alistair and his brother have worked together to exploit this and will change the game. This is the future direction of the sport for sure. It is this old attitude from the other racers that has really made them extinct in their preparation, and picking up the pieces of the decimation that these boys are leaving behind that has seen them let their key bike work go, and this in itself has widened the gap between the Brownlees and the rest. Without being disrespectful, for the Brownlees it would be like being A-grade bike racers playing with the B-grade peloton. They know that people will cover the moves a few times, but it is only a matter of time before the break will be successful. In London you saw that perfectly, and like every race break will be successful. In London you saw that perfectly, and like every race, the group chasing looked at each other and no one had the courage to take up the chase because they feel everyone else should do it. Before they knew it, these guys had 80 seconds. Jonathan sat in then and was able to take the rest out in the group on the run. It was beautiful to watch and unless these guys start thinking outside the box, start working out how to counter this, and start having the courage and the balls to race with the same sort of win-or-die-trying attitude, they will continue to be made to look pretty average by these guys!

Well, this goes along with the post ‘’RELEXION’’ and the discriminatory, unethical, and non scientific criteria hold by FMTRI leaving out the one who wins the race.

‘’Most riders are satisfied with the effort they put into pushing the pedals around. It’s easy to sit in the pack and not really think about the race.’’

There is a world of difference when you plan a race and read the race during the bike. This is how the boys won in Valle de Bravo National serie, Monterrey (Panamerican selective event) and at the National (Olimpiada Nacional).



Alistair Brownlee and LONDON
"I don't think was too good yesterday or anything like that; it would be pretty sad if you said that," Brownlee told insidethegames.

"In every triathlon, you have to be as good as you can be and do your best to win even if it means your rivals get a good look at your tactics.

"But I don't really think that people will study what I did yesterday with regard to the London 2012 Olympics.

"In the past, people have had the opportunity to study me going into big races but no one has really found a clever way of stopping me so far.

"I think at the Olympics things will be harder.

"For example, I expect Gomez to be a lot stronger and better tactically than he was because I think he got a lot of things wrong yesterday.

"I also don't think it will be so easy for me to get away on the bike but I don't think anyone will watch the tape yesterday and work out a way to stop me from that."


McCormack: The kid is absolutely amazing. He is brilliant in both the physical and mental game of this sport, but seriously is just a born winner. That makes him special. I think athletically guys like Gomez and others are just as good. However, where he stands head and shoulders above everyone else competing is he wins in his racing style. He has absolute confidence in his abilities to attack these guys (along with his brother), and I think he draws strength from the fact that most of the guys racing nowadays don’t have that same mindset. The ITU has created a mindset amongst many of the athletes, coaches and federations that it is a running race that wins these titles. Alert guys: every time Brownlee has raced he has won on the bike, then delivered the fastest run. We were told prior to London that no one would escape on this course. RUBBISH!!!!!!! It is not the courses that allow breakaways. It is the athletes that take them.

Along with his brother, they simply dictate these races and do what they want. The escape in London was perfectly executed—Jonathan rolled off the front and Alistair was gone with the Russian. Rana showed you can ride across to the breaks if you want to, but you have to commit to that. The field has a commitment issue to chasing on the bike. It’s both crazy and frustrating to see. If the world does not start seeing that it is the way both the brothers work off each other that feeds their success both in training and in racing, they will see gold and silver medals handed over to both these guys in 12 months time. They are perfect teammates. It is beautiful to watch!

Alistair is riding the bike far superior than most of the guys in this field, and all of them continue to work more specifically on their runs. This will open this weakness up even further as they miss what needs to be done to give themselves a chance in these events by getting more bike-specific in their preparations, or at least having people counter these moves to bring the breaks back. Many of these guys are settling for a fifth, sixth or seventh-place finish and are happy with that. Alistair is a winner, and would be mortified with himself with anything less than that. This is the difference in the game. It is so obvious to see. He has shown all year that he will attack on the bike. He has done it in every race he has done. No one has done anything about it. Coaches, athletes and federations are going back and thinking that the sport is the same as it was last year. He has changed the game for sure. It is ride or die now.  

9 août 2011




''Tactics is what makes racing fun. If it was cut-and-dry and all about who was fittest, then it would simply be a matter of having the best genes and training well. Bike racing, however, is more interesting because it's not so basic... Cycling is also very much about utilizing good technique and having a strong tactical sense--having ''race smarts,'' as they say.      
Thomas Prehn
Under 23 and Elite
Yosua Cervantes y Armando García
First day 85km: average above 40k with 55km/h constant attacks and peloton ride
Second Day 140km 12 loops around the Cerro del Fortin: same average with 55km/h into the cobbles and  attack in almost each hill. 
July 30
Yosua was with the first pack until less than one km lost before the arrival (just in the last hill near the McDonald for the one who knows Oaxaca). 84km with all the cyclists. Proud of you!
Armando with the pack the way to Xaaga before loosing touch in the last hill.
July 31
Yosua made 10 loops around 100km with the peloton and then rode the last 2 by himself. What a brillant effort from Yosua.
Armando made it 4 loops with the peloton and rode 10 loops in total. Good progress since last year.

Junior C
Eduardo Moreno y Eduardo Ramírez (both in red in the picture)
First day Xaaga to Oaxaca around 40k. 
Snd Day 6 loops to the Cerro del Fortin.

July 30
Eduardo was in a break away with three other cyclists. Made it fourth first stage, same time.
Lection of the day: Keep off the radar if you want to win the sprint.
Eduardo, our invited team member from Morelia finished with the pack. Good job.
July 31
Both Eduardo finished with the pack and Eduardo Moreno made it 5th in his category in the general classification. Won proudly his first 1000 pesos. Very impressive effort of Eduardo R.

And thanks to the team support: Pedro, Frida and Sergio!

Cycling has became a very important part of triathlon. Things are always on a state of change. The sport is changing. It has often been said that the reason more people don't succeed in life is because they don't plan for their success. In bicycling racing and triathlon, the same holds true.

Two stages around Oaxaca was a practice of planning, thinking, acting, and reflexion afterwards. STRATEGY AND TACTICS.

As Timothy Carlson wrote after London WC: ''Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee have proven to be a formidable force in ITU racing not only because of their physical gifts but because they share a fine tuned grasp of draft legal strategy. ....So it was somewhat of a shock to the two of them when Alistair seized on a fast-opening break at the London round of the World Championship Series Sunday and Jonathan was left behind in a slowly receding chase pack. While both were a little shook up to be separated, they made the very best of circumstances and the decisions they made were as subtle and nuanced as chess masters operating in the fast-paced world of ITU racing.

Think! Plan! Act!

7 août 2011


Alistair Brownlee (GBR). In the pre race press conference.
On what motivates him:

“I get out of bed because I love training, racing and beating Johnny.”

5 août 2011



Will we see Mr Barrios at the Panamerican Games in Guadalajara?  

Another case of  ''THE RIGHT TO COMPETE''
Antonio Lozano Pineda (Athletism Mexican President FMAA)
'’Barrios tuvo un buen triunfo en Inglaterra, logrando su segunda mejor marca personal, pero sabía cuáles eran las reglas y el no estar aquí lo deja fuera de poder representar a México en los Panamericanos de Guadalajara. Las reglas estaban muy claras y todos las sabían desde hace más de un año, pues se había establecido que el primero y segundo sitio del selectivo, serían los seleccionados para asistir a la justa continental de octubre próximo, siempre y cuando dichos fondistas tuvieran la marca mínima requerida para asistir.... Las reglas fueron calras y todos las conocían desde hace más de un año: el primero y segundo lugares de la eliminatoria guanajuatense ganarían el boleto a la justa continental. Quedaron en poder del zacatecano Juna Carlos Romero (29:13) y del poblano Julio César Pérez (29:17).''

Alejandro Cardenas (Director Alto rendimiento Conade)
Nadie discute que en estos momentos Juan Luis Barrios es el mejor atleta que tiene México y no se puede descartar que haya un encuentro entre el presidente de la FMAA y el fondista o el dirigente y el entrenador del corredor capitalino y buscar una buena decisión, "y si no puede entrar pues qué lástima."..."lo que uno desea es tener un espectáculo y buena fiesta de México y para lograr eso queremos que estén los mejores, pero si Juan luis no cumple con los procesos de la federaciòn no podemos hacer más. ... Efectivamente, no cumplió con el requisito y la postura de la federación está correcta. ”

Manuel Youshimatz Sotomayor  (titular del Instituto Poblano del Deporte)
“Hay que esperar que la federación lo oficialice, por que con esos amigos de atletismo hay tantas cosas, por ejemplo no participó Juan Luis Barrios en el selectivo y hay un gran conflicto entre la federación y el corredor. ... Recordemos que Juan Luis es octavo lugar en 10mil metros planos en Beijing, entonces por eso esperaré para tener la notificación oficial, porque luego van a decir que Juan Luis es el gran corredor, nos pueden hacer a un lado a nuestro deportista...vamos a pelear la plaza que ya se ganó y que no la oficialice.”

Juan Luis Barrios:

"Hay veces que no se sabe ni en qué manos está nuestro deporte. No quiero hablar de la federación, me da lástima lo que pasa dentro de ella. Lo único que quiero es competir por México. Para eso me he preparado al máximo. Estaré en los 5 mil pero lo haré por mi país".


Artículo 29. La CONADE tiene las siguientes atribuciones:
VI. Establecer los lineamientos para la participación de los deportistas en cualquier clase de competiciones nacionales e internacionales, sin contravenir lo dispuesto por las reglas internacionales.
Tratándose de las competiciones internacionales se considerará la opinión del COM;
XIV. Fijar criterios y verificar el cumplimiento de los mismos, con la participación del COM para la celebración de competiciones oficiales internacionales dentro del territorio nacional, para los cuales se soliciten o no recursos públicos sin contravenir lo dispuesto por las reglas internacionales;

De las Asociaciones y Sociedades Deportivas
Artículo 50. Las Asociaciones y Sociedades Deportivas deberán observar los lineamientos que se señalan en el artículo 29 de esta Ley, respecto a la integración de las delegaciones deportivas que representen al País en competiciones internacionales.

Success is the only thing that they will not forgive you......
"En México se perdona todo menos el éxito."



Juan Luis Barrios is the best middle distance runner in Mexico at the moment.  The first one was another Mr Barrios back in 89.

August 2011: 10k 27’38.12” Aviva Uk Trial (the Mexican record is 27’08.23” from Arturo Barrios since 1989).

May 2011: 10k 27’30.68” Palo Alto, California. (PR)


4 août 2011

August 5!

''Everybody is looking for instant success, but it doesn't work that way. You build a successful life one day at a time.''  --- Lou Holtz

A TEAM receiving another TEAM. Life is about PASSION, PERSEVERANCE AND PATIENCE.

Happy birthday Barbara!

2 août 2011



La FMTRI maneja las marcas mínimas:

1. 400 metros de nado en 4 minutos 35 segundos en alberca de 25 metros, o 4 minutos 40 segundos en alberca de 50 metros.

2. 1km a pie en 2 minutos 45 segundos.



Sin embargo, los seleccionados por la FMTRI al Panamericano junior en Edmonton tienen las marcas mínimas pero terminan muy detrás de los dos jóvenes de Oaxaca en la competencia, ganadores del selectivo, pero omitidos por la FMTRI. Los cinco jóvenes mandados en Edmonton son: 

1.  Octavio Olivero, tercero en Monterrey selectivo para el Pnamericano junior, con un  tiempo de 55 minutos 17 segundos, termina  a 32 segundos detrás de Yosua Cervantes (54 minutos 45 segundos) y 25 segundos detrás de Eduardo Moreno (54 minutos 52 segundos) . En la Olimpiada Nacional (ON), Oliveros termina en el lugar 14o a 2 minutos 19 segundos detrás de Yosua.  Yosua  Cervantes gana la ON con un tiempo de 58 minutos 15 segundos. 

2. Juan José López con un tiempo de 55 minutos 25 segundos termina 5o en Monterrey a 40 segundos detrás de  Yosua. En al ON termina 10o a 2 minutos 18 segundos de Yosua.

3. Maximiliano Lugo con un tiempo de 55 minutos 53 segundos termina 7o en Monterrey y tercero en la ON, ambos casos atrás de Yosua, en Monterrey por 1 minuto 8 segundos y en la ON por 30 segundos.

4. Edson Gomez con un tiempo de 56 minutos 11 segundos termina en 9o en Monterrey a 1 minuto 26 segundos atràs de Yosua y en la ON no termina.

5. David Nuñez con un tiempo de 56 minutos 22 segundos termina en 11o en Monterrey a  1 minuto 37 segundos detrás de Yosua.  En la ON termina 5o a 1 minuto detrás de Yosua.

tiene la marca de 2 minutos 46 segundos el kilometro, 1 segundo arriba de la marca mínima de FMTRI de 2:45, y 4 minutos 40 segundos el 400 metros, 5 segundos arriba de la marca mínima de 4:35 que quiere utilizar la FMTRI EN SU EXPERIMENTO sin bases científicas, ni ética. Prueba de esto son los resultados de Yosua y Eduardo mencionados arriba y que se encuentran en www.asdeporte.com. 
Eduardo Moreno
tiene la marca de 2:44 el km y de 4:47 el 400 en alberca de 50 metros  o sea 7 segundos arriba. Pero también gana el segundo lugar en Monterrey y obtiene medalla de bronce en la ON.  El entrenamiento de nuestros triatletas está hecho para ganar a nivel mundial y no dar marcas mínimas para la FMTRI, como lo hemos demostrado, con un desarrollo a largo plazo.  Para correr como corren nuestros atletas 5,000 metros de triatlón se requiere una evolución de cuando menos siete años, con un entrenamiento específico, prepararse para 1,000 metros planos es otro entrenamiento.  Misma situación con la bicicleta, pues anteriormente se pedaleaba a 290 watts en promedio (tres años atrás), ahora se requiere de estar arriba de 310watts para mantener el “pelotón.” Se requiere de mucha experiencia para rodar en pelotón efectivamente que se adquiere a través de los años rodando y experimentando rodando en bicicleta.  LA FMTRI, ni siquiera toma en cuenta esto, cree que como el pasado, que un “buen nadador” puede ser un buen triatleta.  Cosa que ellos mismos han comprobado que totalmente falso hoy en día, sucedió en el pasado que no se rodaba tan fuerte ni se corría tan rápido.   Cabe señalar que el ser “buen nadador,” no significa que realmente que sean buenos nadadores, pues los tiempos que tienen en 400 metros no los colocaría ni dentro de los primeros 5,000 del mundo (record 3:40 contra 4:35 que hacen); siguen siendo malos en todo (bicicleta, correr, en un solo deporte) a nivel mundial.

Los protocolos de investigación de la FMTRI están en detrimento del desarrollo del triatlón en México y contra los derechos DEL COMPETIDOR (sin protección legalmente).  Si esto fuera la ciencia médica, este tipo de protocolos sería inmediatamente suspendido por la morbilidad y mortalidad que conlleva.  La FMTRI exige que los triatletas tengan marcas de natación y carrera para favorecer el proyecto de investigación que llevan a cabo a través del Dr. Javier Mon, a pesar de que la misma investigación nos dice que es necesario detener el experimento debido a que no fue evaluado por un comité VERDADERAMENTE ÉTICO y los resultados obtenidos van en detrimento de los competidores y los “conejillos de indias” que hicieron con los atletas del CNAR (Centro Nacional de Alto Rendimiento).  Según el protocolo, se exige que corran un kilómetro debajo de 2 minutos y 45 segundos y naden cuatrocientos metros debajo de 4:35 en alberca de 25 metros en tiempos separados.  Cuando las competencias de triatlón de los juveniles (juniors) son de 750 metros de natación y 5,000 metros a pie seguidos, además de los 20 kilómetros de bicicleta que no se valora en el protocolo de investigación de la FMTRI (estamos hablando de alrededor de una hora de competencia).  Esto para favorecer a los atletas del CNAR, lugar que controla la FMTRI y trabaja el Dr. Mon.  La misma investigación del Dr. Mon nos dice científicamente que no hay resultado positivo.  Al contar con dos grupos de investigación o considerar uno control y otro de investigación, con diferentes variables entre ellos.  Un grupo da las marcas señaladas por la FMTRI y vive en el CNAR, teniendo entrenadores del CNAR; el otro no da las marcas, y los triatletas viven en los estados de Oaxaca y Jalisco (resultados triatlón selectivo de Monterrey).  La investigación de la FMTRI, se debe leer así : “correr un kilómetro debajo de 2 minutos y 45 segundos y nadar cuatrocientos metros debajo de 4:35 en alberca de 25 metros no es requisito para ganar un triatlón en la categoría juniors.”  Debido a que 5 de los primeros 7 no dieron las marcas establecidas por la FMTRI en el Triatlón Clasificatorio para el campeonato panamericano, Triatlón Banamex de Monterrey 2011. ÉSTA DEBERÍA SER LA INTERPRETACIÓN DE DICHOS RESULTADOS, por lo que el experimento se debe suspender por ir en detrimento de los triatletas mexicanos.  Realmente no se pueden separar los intereses personales sobre la investigación, los intereses económicos para justificar un trabajo y la tontería e ignorancia de nuestros dirigentes que siguen “comprando espejitos con oro.”